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size of es executable
just to confirm what i said earlier about the size going way down if you
leave the assertions out:
;; size */es `{whatis rc sh csh}
__TEXT __DATA __OBJC others dec hex
106496 8192 0 270336 385024 5e000 obj.next/es
57344 8192 0 253952 319488 4e000 unsafe.next/es
49152 16384 0 237568 303104 4a000 /bin/rc
114688 24576 0 8192 147456 24000 /bin/sh
90112 24576 0 8192 122880 1e000 /bin/csh
(/bin/sh is large because it's one of the very few things that next ships
which is statically linked; everything else gets shared libraries whether
you want 'em or not. this is all from my 68040 nextstation; your mileage
may vary.)