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readline and rl_meta_chars

Paul wrote:

>the readline we aimed at was Simi Turner's editline, as hacked by Rich $alz.
>Rich, any comments on Loren's changes?  did the readline folks change their

I cannot find rl_meta_chars in the readline distributed with
bash-1.12, the readline in the current version of bash, or the
`standalone' readline.  It's not in the version of readline
distributed with gdb either. 

As far as I can tell, it's never been in a readline from the FSF.  It
does appear in Rich's version of editline; the one available for FTP
from ftp.white.toronto.edu has it, at least. 


``The ballpark is quiet now, save for the sound of droplets landing.  That
  is as it should be.  For today there are two fewer boys of summer.''

Chet Ramey, Case Western Reserve University	Internet: chet@po.CWRU.Edu