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X-Windows Trouble

	I am having trouble launching processes in the background from
es under X-Windows. Here is an example:

I have es running in an xterm. I start another xterm from es using:

es> xterm &

If I exit the shell BEFORE the xterm is mapped, it dies. If I exit after
the mapping, it survives.

A more serious version of this occurs with launching the actual window
manager from an X-Terminal ( I am on one just now ).

Before es:

I start a Telnet Client and log onto a host. Tcsh starts as normal. I then
type `xt' to start the script. It sets the DISPLAY variable, logs it in
a file ( ~/.display ) and launches the X startup script in the background.
The startup script in turn launches an xterm and runs the window manager
in the foreground. When I quit the manager, EVERYTHING dies (which is the
way I planned it).

because of the effective double ampersand (ie a background process launching
another background process) the window manager, and any subsequently launched
programs, are free from the parent shell's job control ... I can then
exit from the parent shell without the `there are STOPPED JOBS' message.

I have read that es has no jop control (apart from the apids command), and
I have tried using the newpgrp command, but I have ran out of ideas.


PS: I hope this it the right way to get my question answered ... just out
    of interest ... would it be more appropriate for this to be posted ?

PPS: what a shell ;)

 o===============================================o  +----+
  David McNicol,        | Strathclyde University,   |    |
  3rd Yr Laser Physics, | SCOTLAND.                 |/--\| "I'm sorry Dave,
 o===============================================o  ||[]||  but I'm afraid
  Internet: D.McNicol@ccsun.strath.ac.uk  !talk !   |\--/|  I can't do that"
     JANET: D.McNicol@uk.ac.strath.ccsun  !to me!   |    |
 o===============================================o  +----+