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Re: creature = `feep

|> >	; echo <={%fsplit '' foo}
|> >	f o o
|> Unless you forego %fsplit entirely, I think this is not only a very useful
|> hack (for example, getopt can be implemented without needing to run sed),
|> but even sort of sensible if you take it that there is an "empty" space
|> between each of the characters in a string.  If it doesn't take much code,
|> keep it.
| it certainly makes es more complete, but i don't think it's gotten much use.
| i still consider it a toss-up, but will probably stay.

Whew, one slick feature remains.

|> 1) Anything related to "cdpath" searching.  I can't believe there aren't
|>    more people who agree with me on this even if they think the rest of my
|>    suggestions are out in left field.
| ok, i'm beginning to lean towards moving this out of the shell, as long as
| there is a good examples file.  it definitely goes back in my .esrc but that
| does seem reasonable.  i still want to hear more opinions on this.

That does seem reasonable.

|> 2) true and false.  Really.  {result 0} and {result 1} are short enough to
|>    use explicitly.  How often do people actually need to refer to `true'
|>    and `false' values explicitly anyway?  Out of a couple thousand lines of
|>    es script so far I've only used `result 0' a total of five times, and
|>    didn't use `true' or `false' even once.
| i use them extensively in scripts.  besides, they're completely upwards
| compatible with their /bin equivalents, only 1000x faster, so they add
| no conceptual baggage.  (and result 0 and result 1 are short enough, but
| not clear enough.  can you think of anything other than unix shells where
| 0 is true?

Some version of FORTRAN, maybe it was FTN5 on a Cyber 170.

	Donn Cave, University Computing Services, University of Washington