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Re: latest es version

>>>>> "RvL" == Robert van Liere <Robert.van.Liere@cwi.nl> writes:

RvL> what is the latest es version ?

Still 0.84, as far as I know.  A newer version has been in the works
for a while, but after Paul Haahr moved to a different job last summer
he hasn't said anything about progress.  I hope they aren't working
him too hard, with the result that es development suffers?  To me, es
stands for Exciting Shell, and it would be a shame if it were to die
because its author was burnt out or something.

RvL> are there still plans for a librarification of es ?

I think that was meant to happen sometime after 1.0.  The important
thing now is to settle the syntax and iron out the worst of the
remaining wrinkles.

Oh, and since this is the first message to the es list this year, a
bug HAPPY NEW YEAR to y'all, and let us all hope that whatever kept
Paul from continuing the work on es will go away (unless that is too
selfish -- maybe he just wanted some time with his family?)

- Harald