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Re: pwd on prompt

joost@rulcmc.leidenuniv.nl (joost witteveen) writes:

> >  How can I have the pwd on the prompt.
> >  I've installed es-0.84 on a RS6000 machine with AIX 3.2.5 with 
> >  gcc 2.7.0.
> >  I find es is very nice 
> I never ever used es, and didn't even know I was on this list.
> However, your question prompt me to read the man page:

> > but I' have the pwd on the prompt as it is the case
> > with tcsh, ksh and bash.
> Yeah, I like that, too. I managed to do this with:
> prompt=`{pwd}
> However, this doesn't give me a space between the prompt and the
> command, I'll have to experiment a bit more.

I do this:

fn %prompt {
	prompt = $cwd^'; '

and then set cwd when I change directories.
