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Re: Plumbing

> > That sounds like a good idea. I hadn't known about Open3, but it
> > looks like it will do what I want without too much pain. Thanks!
> 	"7 Thou shalt study thy libraries and strive not to reinvent
> 	them without cause, that thy code may be short and readable and
> 	thy days pleasant and productive."
> 		-- Henry Spencer, "The Ten Commandments for C Programmers"

Yep. I do this, honest. I just haven't read everything yet. Anyway,
I now have a short Perl script that does what I want. IPC::Open3 is
indeed the Right Thing, and unless someone mails me saying that they
want a multipipe facility in es I shall quietly forget the whole
business. Maybe.

Gareth McCaughan       Dept. of Pure Mathematics & Mathematical Statistics,
gjm11@dpmms.cam.ac.uk  Cambridge University, England.