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Re: Incorrect signal handling under SYSV machines

Very strange indeed:

; l='@(#)RELEASE VERSION HPC 2.0 TMrts 10.1-integration.2-FreeBSD/x86'
; echo $l
@(#)RELEASE VERSION HPC 2.0 TMrts 10.1-integration.2-FreeBSD/x86
; k=`{strings lib/libtmrts_g.a | grep RELEASE\ VERSION | head -1| sed s,'"',,g}
; echo $k > k.out
; echo $l > l.out
; diff *.out
; expr $l : $e
expr $l : $e
HPC 2.0 TMrts 10.1-integration.2-FreeBSD/x86
; expr $k : $e
expr $k : $e
expr: syntax error

Go figure.  I might just crack the source out of curiousity on this
one, unless some brilliant commentator can pre-emptively illuminate...
