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Re: es 0.8 is now released

Thanks, guys.  Looks great.

>From the CHANGES file:

    a new control-flow builtin ``forever'' was added.  this was not
    needed for completeness sake, and i still recommend the use of
    ``while {} body'' for most purposes.  however, the read-eval-print
    loop had the wrong behavior when the user typed ``break'' at the
    command line because it was implemented with a while loop.  forever
->  completely ignores exceptions.  (a similar problem still exists
->  when you pass a code fragment including a return to a function
->  rather than to a primitive.  maybe the people who want first-class
->  continuations or at least lexical scoping for break/return do have
->  a point.)

Maybe we do at that :).  Remember, clean design pays dividends,
especially when you least expect them.

And of course, `lambda _is_ the ultimate declarative and the
ultimate imperative.'
